• contact@ngdet.org
  • +216 31 13 05 72

Discover About ANGDET

A story behind us
The new generation for development and the environment is a non-profit association established in May 2019 by a group of young Tataouiniens. They were driven by motivation, passion and the will to drive regional development and promote a strong environmental culture.

Our fingerprints on the lives we touch never fade

Our Team

Meet profesionals

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Frequently asked questions

Start by looking around your house. Donate or sell items you no longer need. Re-purpose items you may not have used in awhile. You may find some of the things you have in your house could be used for another purpose. Getting a little creative means you may not have to buy new materials or goods. Simply use what you already have. Once you’ve done this, take a look at how you can reduce your consumption. Only buy those items you can really use.

Most of us use energy in one way or another every minute of the day. The problem with this is many people are unaware of exactly how much energy gets consumed. Did you know leaving counter appliances plugged in uses energy even when the appliance is not on? It’s called “vampire energy”. You can curb your energy consumption by unplugging appliances and electronics not in use.

Whether or not you live in an area prone to droughts, keeping an eye on water usage is key for the environment. We don’t need to waste water just because we have it so easily accessible. Many people have to overcome numerous obstacles simply to gain access to fresh water. Those of us who have it at our fingertips need to be responsible and not waste water. Conserving water will  save you money too.

We Believe that We can do More together

let's change our habits and compliance with this values






